Saturday, February 16, 2013

Character Actors

I have seen a lot of authors do this, and I thought it would be fun to do it myself. Who do I picture as my characters in Lunula? Who did I have in my head while I was writing? I know some authors might look after they have created the characters, but I like to have a concrete picture to look at while I am describing a character, so some of them were thought of before I even wrote the character out.

Are you curious who I had in mind?


Teresa Palmer--I saw her in "Warm Bodies," and I instantly thought she exuded the kind of kindness and grit that Wynn possess. She was one of the later additions, since Wynn's personality was more important as a first person character than anything else.


All along, I pictured a young Gerard Butler. He is fine.
Queen Alexandria:

Katie McGrath


Colin Morgan (Any guesses as to what TV show I watched during the time I wrote Lunula?)


Matt Dallas--Picture him with long, white hair. And a bad attitude.


I'm going to go with Chris Pine on this one, even though he isn't quite what I'm looking for. He's got the smirk down.

I don't have a very large cast, so these are the main ones.

What do you think? Good choices? Did I leave any characters out? If you had someone in mind while you read Lunula, tell me who!

Oh, and of course, if you haven't read my book, you should totally get on that. It's kind of awesome.

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