Monday, May 5, 2014

Geeky Monday Moment--With Some Koreans

I hope you had a relaxing weekend my friends! We had our family vacation this weekend, so I certainly did. There's nothing like Yellowstone National Park to make you chill out and breathe in deeply before getting back to the usual grind. Good stuff.

As for the Geeky Monday Moment, I am now introducing you to another facet of my absolute geekiness. Most nerds/geeks will gladly admit to loving things like Star Wars, Sherlock, Star Trek, LOTR, etc. But here's one I'm betting you the reader probably has not delved into yet. In other words, I've reached a new level of geekdom, I think.

Korean Dramas.

That particular one is Secret Garden, which is my favorite. But there are hundreds (thousands?) of Korean Dramas at my fingertips, and I can't be stopped now. These things are amazing.

First of all, Korean Dramas aren't afraid to be corny. I don't know if its because its in another language and I'm just reading it in subtitles or what, but lines like, "My heart can't beat without you," seem totally normal. And I like it, dang it. They're funny, and touching, and the culture makes it a totally new experience.

Secondly, even though I don't drink, I'd imagine these are like a shot of tequila where American shows are more like drinking several cases of beer over a long period of time. These dramas are only 15-20ish episodes long, and then that's it. One story line, one time, and then its done. It's the experience of reading a book but on the TV.

Third, love doesn't mean sex. THANK YOU DEAR LORD. I get so tired of watching and reading things where the sum total of a couple's love is them having sex. Ya don't HAVE to have sex for us to know you're in love. It's not that kdrama characters don't ever do the deed, but it's not the center of the love story, either. LOVE is the center of the love story. Duh. I appreciate that.

Fourth, Korean Dramas have awesome plot lines that just suck you right in. 

Okay, okay, so fourth and a half...those Korean men are gorgeous. I melt a little every time I see Lee Min Ho.

So now that you've seen me rave like a fan girl, don't judge me too harshly. This is who I am now. I crave ramen and have little Korean phrases floating through my head. It's all part of being a geek.

If you have time, and aren't adverse to becoming addicted to something, Hulu has a ton of them, and Netflix has some as well. And with that, I bid you a good week! May you embrace all your geeky obsessions, and feed your nerdy soul.

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